Interiors | Renovation | Preservation

The Chicago Federal Plaza, designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, consists of three buildings grouped around and defined by a large open space. Built between 1962 and 1974, the Federal Plaza has become a symbol of the Modern Architecture movement and a Chicago icon. As part of our IDIQ contract with the General Services Administration, KOO has competed a number of projects at the Federal Plaza, including:
• Door Refurbishment and Replacement Projects: Restoration of some of the original stainless steel entrances the Dirksen Federal Building; new entrances at the Post Office and the Kluczynski Federal Building to replace non-historic doors with more historically accurate doors.
• Security Hardening Study at the Dirksen Courthouse: a study to improve security at the lobby/plaza level of the courthouse while respecting its historic architecture.
• Lobby improvements at the Kluczynski Federal Building, integrating controlled access to enhance security.
• Lighting upgrades at the Post Office: Replacement and retrofit of the existing lobby lighting with a goal of introducing LED lighting and energy code compliance.
• In addition to these projects, KOO has also been involved with the renovation of Judge’s suites and office space, bathroom renovations, jury waiting room expansion, and upgrades to building mechanical systems.

Chicago, IL

55 W. Wacker Dr.
Suite 600C
Chicago, IL 60601



55 W. Wacker Dr.
Suite 600C
Chicago, IL 60601