The competition-winning design by OMA – Office for Metropolitan Architecture and KOO LLC for the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Center for the Arts consists of two towers and some performance spaces beneath a tent-like roof. Read Full Article...
UIC Performing Arts Center WINNER – OMA/KOO

UIC Performing Arts Center WINNER – OMA/KOO

OMA/KOO LLC has been named the winner of an international competition to design an innovative “Center for the Arts” on the University of Illinois at Chicago campus The new complex is intended by the school to have both public and academic functions. It will house the...
UIC Center for the Arts Finalist Entries

UIC Center for the Arts Finalist Entries

KOO is thrilled to be partnering with OMA on this transformative design for UIC’s new Center for the Performing Arts Building. Click here to read the Architectural Record article.  Click here to read the Curbed article.  Click here to read the ArchitectsNewPaper...
Finalist – New Performing Arts Center at UIC

Finalist – New Performing Arts Center at UIC

KOO is part of one of the three architectural teams which have been chosen to create a pre-design for the last leg of the UIC new performing arts center competition. The three teams hold world-wide reputations for their award-winning design work, thoughtful approaches...