Product Update: Schedule for a brief in-person or phone meeting with Amelia about product lines or services.
Select Catagory: Product Update
Select Appointment Type: In-Person Product Update or Over-the-phone Product Update
Library Update: Schedule to update binders and/or other literature and samples. Upon arrival, please check in at reception.
Select Catagory: Library Update
Select Appointment Type: Library Update
Lunch and Learn: To schedule an office-wide lunch and learn please contact Dee at office@kooarchitecture.com
Wine and Cheese: To schedule an office-wide evening wine and cheese please contact Dee at office@kooarchitecture.com
Can't find an appointment time that works for you? Click here.
- Please try to find a date/time using the scheduling tool above.
- Additional appointment date/times are available by special request for out-of-town reps, etc.
- Email Amelia Hoover at ahoover@kooarchitecture.com to schedule a meeting at a different time than those listed in the scheduling tool above.
Add your information to our contacts so it's easy for KOO to get in touch!
Link will open off-site Google Form.
55 W. Wacker Drive.
Suite 600C
Chicago, IL 60601